Giving Your Restaurant a Fresh Look

Following the dark days of the Covid 19 pandemic, there is hope on the horizon for restaurants and the hospitality industry in general. As customers are allowed through the doors again, competition will be fierce as restaurant owners try to claw back their lost money. There is no point in standing still and hoping the old methods of attracting diners will work. You need to up your game and refresh your restaurant with a new look.

Style on a Budget

Unfortunately, most restaurant owners will have very little money to spare due to a lack of being allowed to trade during the various lockdowns. Thankfully, adding a few prints and posters will brighten up your space at an affordable price. To save time and money, head over to the Desenio website, where you can find everything you need in one place, with free shipping and fast delivery. Not only do they sell artwork, but also frames so you can personalise the posters to your taste.

Choose Your Theme

The most apparent theme is to choose posters relating to food and drink. The Desenio website makes it easy to find what you are looking for, thanks to their method of categorising the posters. There is also a helpful search button if you are looking for something specific. So, if you are sticking to the food theme, click the kitchen category. You will then find it is further sub-divided into fruit and vegetables, recipes, tea and coffee, wine and cocktails and text-based images.

Build Up a Gallery

If you are short on time, you can check out the gallery pages on the Desenio website. Here they have grouped together various posters with a similar theme to create an overall attractive look in any space. You can simply click to buy every poster within a showcase, confident in the knowledge that designers have put together a look that really works. For example, if you choose the kitchen gallery, you are presented with different options that would be equally suitable in your restaurant.

Use Specific Colours

If your restaurant is already based on a particular colour theme, then there is no need to start again and go to all the expense of buying new accessories such as tablecloths, napkins and chair covers etc. You can use the Desenio search button to find all the posters that reflect your chosen colour. For example, if you already have blue tableware and want to match this, you will be delighted to find a choice of over 500 posters at Desenio with a predominantly blue image.

Get ahead of your competition by giving your restaurant a fresh, new look.

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